Search Results for: game blocks

Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful holiday celebrating love, affection and friendship. I enjoy giving gifts to my close friends on Valentine’s Day as much as I enjoy giving gifts to loved ones. Making handmade gifts is a special way to share your fond thoughts, whether it’s a handmade craft or recipe. These are my favorite…

Thanksgiving Ideas

Thanksgiving Ideas Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and so I enjoy collecting meaningful Thanksgiving ideas.  I enjoy Thanksgiving because it is spent with family and friends. Of course, enjoying delicious food from simple recipes is enjoyable, too. I like to create DIY crafts to decorate my home and to give as favors and gifts. For…

Simple Christmas Ideas

It’s important to me to focus on the magic of Christmas, family and friends during the holiday season with these 100+ simple Christmas ideas. I don’t want to spend a lot of time decorating, choosing gifts, wrapping gifts or cooking. I want to pamper my family and friends during the holiday season, but I don’t…

Easy Candy Wreath

Easy Candy Wreath

My “baby” at college gave me a challenge a couple of weeks ago.  She told me that her college dorm has an unofficial decorating competition going on.  She appealed to both my mom and blogger sides (smart girl!) and asked if I could help her decorate her room for Christmas.  I thought about it for about 1…