Search Results for: glass jar

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas St. Patrick’s Day is such a fun holiday for kids and adults. It’s a low-pressure day so you can focus on fun decorating, fun foods and fun activities with family and friends. Here are more than 20 of my favorite St. Patrick’s Day Ideas that you can make with children, for…

Simple Christmas Ideas

It’s important to me to focus on the magic of Christmas, family and friends during the holiday season with these 100+ simple Christmas ideas. I don’t want to spend a lot of time decorating, choosing gifts, wrapping gifts or cooking. I want to pamper my family and friends during the holiday season, but I don’t…

Kitchen Organizing Ideas

Since the kitchen is the heart of the home, kitchen organizing ideas make for a happy heart of the home. It’s important to me that organizing my kitchen is easy to do and works well for my family. An organized kitchen should save you time and frustration. It should make it easy for the rest…