8 Tips for Staying Organized

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These days, life has become so hectic such that everything feels messy. It’s like things are happening all at once, and finding time to keep everything in order seems impossible. Most of us can admit that we are looking for help and tips for staying organized.

Organizing things just simply makes life easier. According to a report by the National Association of Professional Organizers, we spend 12 months of our lives searching for lost items. Think about how much easier life would be if we could find items easily and avoid last minute hassles. 

Bright green basket with neatly organized magazines on end table next to chair and  in front of organized white cube shelves with title text overlay reading 8 Tips for Staying Organized

8 Tips for Staying Organized

Always Note It Down

Woman's hands with pen writing in planner with green, pink and orange highlighters to the left and blue paper clip.

It’s a great thing to believe in your cognitive skills. However, you’re still a human being and forgetting is part of life. If you need to remember things, write them down. Research has shown that the act of writing things down helps you remember them better. You can opt for a regular notebook, a bullet journal is one of my favorite tools, or use a digital one like Evernote. The digital notebook has a reminder that will notify you about what you need to do and at what time. It helps you in keeping the to-do list and other vital information somewhere you can look back at any time, anywhere.

Keep Everything in Place

Close up of green basket holding green journals and organized bookshelf in background

Chefs are touted as some of the most organized people. Wonder why? Well, they keep everything in its place (known as Mise en place). When preparing a meal, a chef ensures chopped onions, coriander, and other ingredients are in place. You can harness the power of this technique, too. Have designated areas for storing your  things. Locating items in spots or homes that make sense for where you will use them makes it much easier to keep everything put away and clutter at a minimum.

Clean Up Regularly

We all have 24 hours in a day and it’s our choice how we use our time. No matter how busy you are, dedicate a few minutes every day to do some cleaning. Allot time to declutter and clean up your house or your office. You don’t have to do a deep cleaning every day. You only need about 15 to 30 minutes daily to keep your space neat and tidy. Dedicating time each day to tidy up, will save you the hassle of spending an entire day later catching up on the cleaning you haven’t been doing each day.

A Money Management App is of Great Help

One of the drawbacks of being unorganized is overspending  and debt. Many disorganized people end up in debt. But you can be in charge of your finances with one of the many money management apps that are available. A management app will enable you to keep track of your income and monthly bills. You’ll receive notifications for your bills, so that you can keep on top of balancing your budget and paying bills on time.  The reminder feature is invaluable in helping you stick to your budget and out of debt.

Focus on Clutter Hotspots

Every office and house has at least one  hotspot for clutter. These are the locations where clutter just naturally accumulates – areas like dining tables, sink counters, cubicle surfaces, and nightstands are some of the most common hotspots. Make keeping these places well-organized and clutter-free a priority. Recognizing these problem areas allows you to focus on them, stay ahead of the clutter and win the clutter hotspot battle. 

Invest in Storage Containers

jeans folded neatly in striped box on wood table

One of the best ways to keep your family organized is with storage containers. Containers provide a designated area to store items, keeps those items contained neatly in place and provide a limit on how many items you can place in that area. You can purchase all types of bins and basket that match any style. But you can also save money and the landfill by using repurposed and thrifted containers

Prepare Meals in Advance

In today’s world, everyone is busy and life has become so hectic that preparing healthy meals seems almost impossible. Working long hours  means that by the time you get home, all you want to do is grab whatever is available to eat and just get to bed. Many health issues are related to poor eating habits. You can plan for and prepare healthy meals when you allow a day where for meal preparation for the entire week. There are also many healthy meal services that will deliver healthy meals all ready for you to prepare directly to your home. A bit of planning, a dedicated meal prep time each week and a healthy organized food pantry makes eating healthy possible and easy to do each week. 

Declutter and Donate

Decluttering is an on-going process, not a one and done. As your life and needs change, the items you want and need will change, too. It’s important to stay on top of clutter and preventing it’s build up. Schedule regular decluttering sessions. You can use my 10-minuted decluttering challenge to work through the clutter in all areas of your home in a month. When you regularly declutter, it’s much easier to stay organized and not let clutter overwhelm develop.

Being organized is a never-ending, lengthy process, but with these 8 tips for staying organized, you will manage to keep everything under control.

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