
Crafts, ideas, recipes and printables to help you celebrate holidays and festive events.

Doctor Who Cookies

Doctor Who Cookies

Doctor Who is an iconic BBC TV show that recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.  The show has loyal (crazy?) fans that know every detail of the show and the characters.  One of the interesting twists to the show is that the main character, the Doctor, can regenerate and because of this has been played by a slew…

Thanksgiving Pilgrim Hat Cookies

Thanksgiving Pilgrim Hat Cookies

I love Thanksgiving.  It’s a low-stress holiday that revolves around family and food.  What’s not to love?!  In addition to all the regular Thanksgiving dishes, my kids really enjoy these fun and easy Pilgrim’s Hat and Turkey cookies as a treat on Thanksgiving. I usually raid the Halloween candy (shhhh, don’t tell on me) and…